
The Voice Of
Upper West Side

Celebrating over 48 years
of progressive politics
on the Upper West Side


Our Club

Three Parks Independent Democrats has been an active participant in Upper West Side politics for more than 48 years. In addition to endorsing and working for candidates who demonstrate ability and progressive convictions, we organize phone banks, postcard writing, and canvassing trips to take back Congress and the White House. We participate in rallies, protests, and other events. Join us today to make Three Parks your political home.

Meetings and Upcoming Events

Club Activities

Upper West Side
Democratic Victory

Campaign Center

Activities this week here

  • Canvass trips to swing districts
  • Phoning
  • Postcards
  • Voter Registration
  • Buttons and Campaign Stuff

Sponsored by Westsiders for Progress 2024.
Staffed by Broadway Democrats and Three Parks Independent Democrats.
2742 Broadway (105th St.) NYC, NY 10025.

Three Parks Resolution in support of a Medicare option for retired NYC workers.

Next Club Meeting

Wednesday, Oct 9. th

At the Youth Hostel
Ball Room
103rd St and Amsterdam.
7:30 PM

Rep. Jerry Nadler
Ranking Member
House Judiciary Committee

The 2024 Election
The Fight for the Future of
Our Democracy and Our Nation

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Our Issues

Learn More

Natural Gas Fracking
Hydraulic Fracturing

Three Parks supports a legislated ban on fracking. The fracking process pollutes vast quantities of water, a non-renewable resource. Millions of gallons of water are treated with toxic chemicals and then pumped into each gas well to force out the gas. We have worked with many allies, especially Food and Water Watch, to successfully pressure Governor Cuomo to issue a state ban on this method of extracting gas. However, a future governor could rescind the ban, which is why the legislature must act to pass it into law. Click here for more information.


Three Parks supports all efforts to strengthen and expand Rent Stabilization and to renew the rent regulations that will expire in 2019. We oppose the Mayor’s plan for a blanket upzoning of residential neighborhoods including ours. This is simply a bribe for developers to build a few units of “affordable” housing in exchange for more stories of luxury apartments, while at the same time, City government looks away as landlords drive out thousands of rent stabilized tenants.

Charter Schools

Three Parks opposes the expansion of charter schools in New York City and their co-location in public school buildings. We do not believe that charter schools are public schools of a different kind. In fact, they are private schools of a different kind - with public funding but no public accountability. They are a detriment to public education.

Health Care

Three Parks supports Medicare for All (Single Payer) health care nationally and in New York State. The New York Assembly has passed the “New York Health Act” universal health care bill (A. 5062 S. 3525). New York Health would provide universal, comprehensive health care to all New Yorkers without premiums, co-pays, deductibles, or limited provider networks. It would be paid for by a progressive income tax. According to an analysis by U. Mass/Amherst Economics Department Chair Gerald Friedman, 98% of New Yorkers would spend less for health coverage and health care under New York Health than they do today. New York would save over $70 billion by eliminating the administrative costs and profits that now go to private health insurance companies, and by negotiating pharmaceutical and medical device prices.

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Website created by the following members of the Three Parks Board:
Jessica Haberstock - Design.     Steve Max - Code.
Technical Proofing - Hannah Leider.   
Invaluable Advice - Daniel Tsadok and Chuck Wall.